Graphic Design

Dating During The End Web Comic
Role: Writer
As a personal pandemic project, I began chronicling the dating experiences of love in the time of covid-19, to work on both my illustration skills and my social media content skills. I have temporarily paused the IG to invest my time in an actual publication of this project.

MacArthur Grant Data Visuals
Role: Designer, Data Analyst
For a final report for the MacArthur Foundation, I led an initiative to create more visual pieces like this infographic to better capture the incredible work of the Hive Program. I coordinated with 7 teams across North America to gather data necessary to make the visuals and worked with our grantmaking team to make sure it aligned with the submission guidelines for the grant report.
Video Production
Dear Internet Series
Role: Producer
To better spotlight the work of our Fellows, I coordinated with our marketing team and the Foundation to facilitate a film shoot during a 5-day conference I was organizing where I knew fellows from all over the world would be in one place, a rare occasion given our fellows span over 5 continents.
Thanks to the video series both the work of our fellows and the program became more appreciated and recognized both internally and internationally. All fellows in the series went on to be offered positions and grants that furthered their vital work.